[12:23] Doom Gurbux: its just an online game, nothing more ^.^
[12:23] Grey Weston: I think this is no interesting for us baby
[12:23] quendrida Skytower: i am just drawing your attention to some comics on the internet
[12:24] Grey Weston: SL is not bad...some time if you do all good and stay on stability self control
[12:24] quendrida Skytower: these are all comics on the internet
[12:24] Grey Weston: And safe self brain any time)
[12:25] quendrida Skytower: im just seing how different people react to the comics
[12:26] Grey Weston: Some people just a crazy
[12:26] Tigressa Loon: иди отсюда
[12:26] Tigressa's translator: Go here
[12:26] Grey Weston: But this land.. 50/50 have crazy peoples and furry's
[12:26] VickyAnn Turbo: quendrida go away please or admin ban u
[12:26] Grey Weston: And many newbys)
[12:26] Grey Weston: Не она проверяет реакцию [12:26] Grey Weston: Людей
[12:27] Tigressa Loon: quendrida Skytower уходи вон или получишь запрет на этот остров [12:27]
Tigressa's translator: quendrida Skytower go out or to obtain a ban on the island
[12:28] Tigressa Loon ejected you from this land.
[12:29] Tigressa's translator: I am the manager of the island so go out
[12:30] Tigressa Loon: уходи вон! [12:30] Tigressa's translator: go out!
[12:30] Tigressa Loon ejected you from this land.
may i add that Quendrida was banned by Avatars that work as escorts and make lots of
lindens from "avatar prostitution"