[12:23] Doom Gurbux: its just an online game, nothing more ^.^
[12:23] Grey Weston: I think this is no interesting for us baby
[12:23] quendrida Skytower: i am just drawing your attention to some comics on the internet
[12:24] Grey Weston: SL is not bad...some time if you do all good and stay on stability self control
[12:24] quendrida Skytower: these are all comics on the internet
[12:24] Grey Weston: And safe self brain any time)
[12:25] quendrida Skytower: im just seing how different people react to the comics
[12:26] Grey Weston: Some people just a crazy
[12:26] Tigressa Loon: иди отсюда
[12:26] Tigressa's translator: Go here
[12:26] Grey Weston: But this land.. 50/50 have crazy peoples and furry's
[12:26] VickyAnn Turbo: quendrida go away please or admin ban u
[12:26] Grey Weston: And many newbys)
[12:26] Grey Weston: Не она проверяет реакцию [12:26] Grey Weston: Людей
[12:27] Tigressa Loon: quendrida Skytower уходи вон или получишь запрет на этот остров [12:27]
Tigressa's translator: quendrida Skytower go out or to obtain a ban on the island
[12:28] Tigressa Loon ejected you from this land.
[12:29] Tigressa's translator: I am the manager of the island so go out
[12:30] Tigressa Loon: уходи вон! [12:30] Tigressa's translator: go out!
[12:30] Tigressa Loon ejected you from this land.
may i add that Quendrida was banned by Avatars that work as escorts and make lots of
lindens from "avatar prostitution"
Yes, sandbox admins from business islands usually works as escorts. Isn't it a comics on the internet?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEach island this state
ReplyDeleteHas the of the heads
Has the laws
Also has no them
If on the ground you will see that that is not pleasant to you
You will be from it will get out
Who discusses islands on which do not let from for appearance
Do not abuse restaurant where do not let without a tie
Dagnir Korolev, one of the owners of Techinvestlab sim, kicked of Tigressa Loon from amins power for the rude and nonmotivated behaviour. Here in Russian: http://community.livejournal.com/sl_ru/113342.html?mode=reply
ReplyDeleteWhile to call Tigressa Loon prostitution is rude and nonmotivated too.
Sorry for misunderstanding...